Что тебя вдохновляет?

"Я нахожу вдохновение в модной индустрии, потому что она соединяет искусство, личные переживания и отклик на конкретные моменты в истории. Мода динамична и гораздо более активно реагирует на происходящее в мире, в отличие от архитектуры, особенно в масштабах крупного проектирования. В моде мне нравится динамичность уличных стилей, абсолютное безумие смешения концепций, старого и нового, провоцируя зрителя изменить традиционные взгляды. Эта смелость и дерзость завораживают меня и дают возможность переосмыслить концепцию пространства."
передовых технологий в архитектуре, таких как роботизированный дизайн, виртуальная реальность и параметрическое проектирование. Этот опыт сформировал видение, выходящее за пределы стандартов, с акцентом на новые технологии и будущее.
Позже, работая в студии Рикардо Бофилла, я получила возможность участвовать в проектах различного масштаба, начиная от городских разработок и заканчивая аэропортами и музеями в Китае, Саудовской Аравии и Европе. Этот опыт оказал влияние на мой подход к работе, подчеркивая важность внимания к деталям наряду с глобальным видением.
Наверное, поэтому в моей работе я уделяю особое внимание
Адриана, расскажи, пожалуйста, немного о себе.

" Я архитектор и дизайнер, базирующийся в Милане. Вместе с командой мы разрабатываем ритейл-пространства и предметы мебели, работая с клиентами по всему миру.

Кано Лимарино — моя фамилия. В моей семье есть русские и боливийские корни, что всегда побуждало меня исследовать различные культуры и менталитеты.
Поэтому, сразу после окончания архитектурного института в Москве, я продолжила обучение, получив степень магистра в университете IAAC в Барселоне, где углубилась в область
Сreative direction and production of digital advertising. Сrafting captivating visuals and dynamic animated content to effectively showcase your product.
Shaping a unique strategy to translate
the brand's values through visual and
special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core
that can be applied at various scales
and offers functional and flexible
solutions with future adaptability.
Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and
competitors, creates efficient spaces
that not only highlight your brand’s
identity, but also drive sales and
enhance brand recognition.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.

Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping
experience and maximize efficiency
with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Visual and spatial Brand Strategy
Store Planning and Layout design
Furniture and Display Design
Set design and shop windows
temporary installations
Project Management
Store Concept Development
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Shaping a unique strategy to
translate the brand's values
through visual and special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core that can be applied at various scales and offers func-
tional and flexible solutions with future adaptability. Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and competitors, creates efficient spaces that not only highlight your brand’s identity, but also drive sales and enhance brand recognition.
Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping experience and maximize efficiency with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.
Visual Brand Strategy
Store Planning / Layout
Furniture Design
Set design
temporary installations
Project Management
Concept Development
Shaping a unique strategy to
translate the brand's values
through visual and special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core that can be applied at various scales and offers func-
tional and flexible solutions with future adaptability. Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and competitors, creates efficient spaces that not only highlight your brand’s identity, but also drive sales and enhance brand recognition.
Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping experience and maximize efficiency with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.
Visual and Spatial Brand Strategy
Store Planning
Layout design
Furniture and Display Design
Set design and
shop windows
temporary installations
Project Management
Store Concept Development
деталям, тканям и текстурам, что всегда направлено на создание цельного видения.
На протяжении своей карьеры я также имела возможность работать над проектами для Jil Sander в команде студии Zimmer в Милане и сотрудничать с различными мультибрендами в США, Азии и Европе.
Международный опыт помог мне видеть уникальность в каждом продукте, раскрывать аутентичность бренда для его аудитории. В своей работе я также стремлюсь реагировать на мировые события и современные динамики, создавая пространства, которые актуальны, но в то же время вневременные."
Сreative direction and production of digital advertising. Сrafting captivating visuals and dynamic animated content to effectively showcase your product.
Shaping a unique strategy to translate
the brand's values through visual and
special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core
that can be applied at various scales
and offers functional and flexible
solutions with future adaptability.
Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and
competitors, creates efficient spaces
that not only highlight your brand’s
identity, but also drive sales and
enhance brand recognition.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.

Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping
experience and maximize efficiency
with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Visual and spatial Brand Strategy
Store Planning and Layout design
Furniture and Display Design
Set design and shop windows
temporary installations
Project Management
Store Concept Development
Что тебя вдохновляет?

"Я нахожу вдохновение в модной индустрии, потому что она соединяет искусство, личные переживания и отклик на конкретные моменты в истории. Мода динамична и гораздо более активно реагирует на происходящее в мире, в отличие от архитектуры, особенно в масштабах крупного проектирования. В моде мне нравится динамичность уличных стилей, абсолютное безумие смешения концепций, старого и нового, провоцируя зрителя изменить традиционные взгляды. Эта смелость и дерзость завораживают меня и дают возможность переосмыслить концепцию пространства."
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Shaping a unique strategy to
translate the brand's values
through visual and special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core that can be applied at various scales and offers func-
tional and flexible solutions with future adaptability. Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and competitors, creates efficient spaces that not only highlight your brand’s identity, but also drive sales and enhance brand recognition.
Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping experience and maximize efficiency with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.
Visual Brand Strategy
Store Planning / Layout
Furniture Design
Set design
temporary installations
Project Management
Concept Development
Shaping a unique strategy to
translate the brand's values
through visual and special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core that can be applied at various scales and offers func-
tional and flexible solutions with future adaptability. Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and competitors, creates efficient spaces that not only highlight your brand’s identity, but also drive sales and enhance brand recognition.
Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping experience and maximize efficiency with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.
Visual and Spatial Brand Strategy
Store Planning
Layout design
Furniture and Display Design
Set design and
shop windows
temporary installations
Project Management
Store Concept Development
Сreative direction and production of digital advertising. Сrafting captivating visuals and dynamic animated content to effectively showcase your product.
Shaping a unique strategy to translate
the brand's values through visual and
special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core
that can be applied at various scales
and offers functional and flexible
solutions with future adaptability.
Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and
competitors, creates efficient spaces
that not only highlight your brand’s
identity, but also drive sales and
enhance brand recognition.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.

Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping
experience and maximize efficiency
with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Visual and spatial Brand Strategy
Store Planning and Layout design
Furniture and Display Design
Set design and shop windows
temporary installations
Project Management
Store Concept Development
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Shaping a unique strategy to
translate the brand's values
through visual and special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core that can be applied at various scales and offers func-
tional and flexible solutions with future adaptability. Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and competitors, creates efficient spaces that not only highlight your brand’s identity, but also drive sales and enhance brand recognition.
Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping experience and maximize efficiency with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.
Visual Brand Strategy
Store Planning / Layout
Furniture Design
Set design
temporary installations
Project Management
Concept Development
Shaping a unique strategy to
translate the brand's values
through visual and special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core that can be applied at various scales and offers func-
tional and flexible solutions with future adaptability. Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and competitors, creates efficient spaces that not only highlight your brand’s identity, but also drive sales and enhance brand recognition.
Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping experience and maximize efficiency with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.
Visual and Spatial Brand Strategy
Store Planning
Layout design
Furniture and Display Design
Set design and
shop windows
temporary installations
Project Management
Store Concept Development
Сreative direction and production of digital advertising. Сrafting captivating visuals and dynamic animated content to effectively showcase your product.
Shaping a unique strategy to translate
the brand's values through visual and
special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core
that can be applied at various scales
and offers functional and flexible
solutions with future adaptability.
Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and
competitors, creates efficient spaces
that not only highlight your brand’s
identity, but also drive sales and
enhance brand recognition.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.

Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping
experience and maximize efficiency
with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Visual and spatial Brand Strategy
Store Planning and Layout design
Furniture and Display Design
Set design and shop windows
temporary installations
Project Management
Store Concept Development
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Shaping a unique strategy to
translate the brand's values
through visual and special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core that can be applied at various scales and offers func-
tional and flexible solutions with future adaptability. Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and competitors, creates efficient spaces that not only highlight your brand’s identity, but also drive sales and enhance brand recognition.
Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping experience and maximize efficiency with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.
Visual Brand Strategy
Store Planning / Layout
Furniture Design
Set design
temporary installations
Project Management
Concept Development
Shaping a unique strategy to
translate the brand's values
through visual and special techniques, creating a distinct brand language. It serves as a core that can be applied at various scales and offers func-
tional and flexible solutions with future adaptability. Embracing the essence of a brand, considering the target audience and competitors, creates efficient spaces that not only highlight your brand’s identity, but also drive sales and enhance brand recognition.
Optimizing the spatial layout of retail stores to enhance the shopping experience and maximize efficiency with attention to traffic flow, product visibility, and customer engagement.
Crafting unique furniture items and displays tailored specifically for the brand's aesthetic and functional requirements.
Crafting captivating set compositions that embody the brand's seasonal themes and current trends to showcase product.
Designing flexible and adaptable retail installations, to create unique and engaging experiences, drive sales, and test new markets or product concepts.
Overseeing all aspects of the design and construction process, from initial concept development to final execution, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget.
Creating unique and functional concepts for retail spaces that align with the brand's identity and resonate with its target demographic.
Visual and Spatial Brand Strategy
Store Planning
Layout design
Furniture and Display Design
Set design and
shop windows
temporary installations
Project Management
Store Concept Development
Адриана, расскажи, пожалуйста, немного о себе.

" Я архитектор и дизайнер, базирующийся в Милане. Вместе с командой мы разрабатываем ритейл-пространства и предметы мебели, работая с клиентами по всему миру.
Кано Лимарино — моя фамилия. В моей семье есть русские и боливийские корни, что всегда побуждало меня исследовать различные культуры и менталитеты.
Поэтому, сразу после окончания архитектурного института в Москве, я продолжила обучение, получив степень магистра в университете IAAC в Барселоне, где углубилась в область передовых технологий в архитектуре, таких как роботизированный дизайн, виртуальная реальность и параметрическое проектирование. Этот опыт сформировал видение, выходящее за пределы стандартов, с акцентом на новые технологии и будущее.
Позже, работая в студии Рикардо Бофилла, я получила возможность участвовать в проектах различного масштаба, начиная от городских разработок и заканчивая аэропортами и музеями в Китае, Саудовской Аравии и Европе. Этот опыт оказал влияние на мой подход к работе, подчеркивая важность внимания к деталям наряду с глобальным видением.
Наверное, поэтому в моей работе я уделяю особое внимание деталям, тканям и текстурам, что всегда направлено на создание цельного видения.
На протяжении своей карьеры я также имела возможность работать над проектами для Jil Sander в команде студии Zimmer в Милане и сотрудничать с различными мультибрендами в США, Азии и Европе.
Международный опыт помог мне видеть уникальность в каждом продукте, раскрывать аутентичность бренда для его аудитории. В своей работе я также стремлюсь реагировать на мировые события и современные динамики, создавая пространства, которые актуальны, но в то же время вневременные."